阿布扎比荣膺“Top 10 最受欢迎旅游目的地”
2018光•影国家旅业时尚盛典于1月22日在北京完美落幕,阿布扎比荣膺“Top 10 最受欢迎旅游目的地”。
阿布扎比作为一个新兴旅游目的地,其非凡独特的魅力备受中国游客的青睐, 近年来中国掀起了阿联酋旅游热,中国已经成为阿布扎比第一大海外游客市场。此次阿布扎比斩获的奖项含金量非常高,证明了阿布扎比的实力和潜力,可谓实至名归!
As an emerging tourist destination, Abu Dhabi attracts the Chinese tourists with its extraordinary and unique charm. In recent years, the UAE has become one of the preferred tourism hotspot for China, and China has become the largest overseas tourist market for Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi is well deserved for this award, demonstrating its popularity and great potential.
The “National Tourism Fashion Awards” has been held for the past 14 consecutive years. The organizer “National Tourism” is a media cluster that leads the tourism innovation and development, providing professional services for tourism enterprises.