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分类:English 0 2022-08-25 收藏 国家旅业编辑


Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin: Since the onset of COVID-19, China has responded by following the dynamic zero-COVID policy and working to prevent imported cases and domestic resurgence of the virus. In addition to COVID containment, we have also endeavored to advance socio-economic development. With a science-based and prudent approach, we have improved visa and other policies to better facilitate cross-border travel and exchanges and cooperation with other countries. We welcome the return of international students to China to resume their studies. We have made active arrangement for this purpose and will continue to do so.


China has eased border entry restrictions for international students and business travelers starting on Wednesday as part of broader steps to facilitate greater cross-border travel and exchanges more than two years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Recently, the Chinese Embassies in Singapore, Nepal, Malaysia and other countries announced that from 0:00 on August 24, 2022 (Wednesday), foreigners who hold a valid APEC card to engage in business activities in China and international students who hold a valid residence permit for study can enter China with no need to apply for a new visa.


The APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Travel Card is a multilateral long-term visa. With a valid passport, the holders can enter and exit China multiple times without applying for a visa within the validity period of the card, and can stay in China for 60 days each time.


Moreover, China will also resume accepting X1 visa applications for international students intending for a long-term (more than 180 days) study in China.


China requires those arriving from abroad undergo a 7-day quarantine at a hotel and 3-day health monitoring at home as part of measures to prevent imported COVID-19 cases.

来源 | 中国国际人才交流大会



